Products & Services
Surgical Instruments
Surgical instruments and their standardization and cataloging have formed the backbone of Aesculap’s business for more than 140 years
General surgical instruments are the basis for each surgery. Whilst skill, precision, and continuity are important factors in the success of surgical operations, equally similar high standards need to be applied to the surgical instruments used.
- Scissors
- Forceps
- Organ and Tissue Grasping Forceps
- Haemostatic Forceps, Bulldog Clamps, Vessel Clips, Approximators
- Dissecting- and Ligature Forceps
- Surgical Needles, Needle Cases
- Needle Holder, Suture Instruments, Ligature Needles
- Wound Retractors
- Self-Retaining Retractors, Abdominal Retractors
- Abdominal Surgery Intestinal- and Rectal Instruments
- Gall Bladder-, Liver- and Spleen Instruments
- Further Instruments
Dissecting Scissors
The combination of the renowned Aesculap tungsten carbide technology and the Aesculap Noir® coating results in excellent wear resistance for very fine and secure dissection.
- Noir® coating – extremely hard surface for high wear and tear resistance
- Non-reflecting – absorption of OR-light
- Microtome edge – especially sharp for smooth cutting with little force
- Wavecut – prevents slipping of tissue
Medical Supplies
Universal electric power system
- Electric power system for neurosurgery, neuro-otology, and spine.
- A versatile system for minor bone surgery and arthroscopy
- Reliable and durable due to the application of top-grade material and state-of-the-art technology
- Easy operation over the touch screen and function control button
- Compatible with handpiece lines Hi-Line XS, Hi-Line, micro-Line, and mini-Line
Surgical Instruments
Surgical instruments, the precise tools of medicine, ensure accuracy in the operating room. Crafted with precision from top-grade materials, they aid skilled surgeons in intricate procedures. These instruments embody a blend of science and artistry, supporting life-saving surgeries worldwide. Their crucial role underscores their significance in advancing healthcare.
Medical Equipment
A medical device is any device intended to be used for medical purposes. Significant potential for hazards are inherent when using a device for medical purposes and thus medical devices must be proved
Power Systems
Power systems, the vital arteries of our modern world, silently energize our daily lives. Evolving with sustainability in mind, they now embrace renewables for greater efficiency and eco-friendliness. With smart grids and decentralized generation, they promise adaptability to our evolving needs. These systems drive progress, illuminating our path to a brighter, more sustainable future.